Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame: The Commission is Accepting Nominations!

Frank Penela (850) 488-7082 ext.1011

May 18, 2016

Tallahassee – The Florida Commission on Human Relations (Commission) is now accepting nominations for the Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame. The deadline for submission of nominations is July 15, 2016. The judges will be looking for individuals who have made significant contributions and provided leadership toward Florida’s progress and achievements in civil rights.

“We are once again excited to be accepting nominations for next year’s Civil Rights Hall of Fame. This program honors leaders and advocates who have tirelessly worked to protect the rights of various populations throughout Florida,” said Michelle Wilson, Commission Executive Director. “We must continue our efforts to honor the civil rights pioneers who came before us and use their heroic stories as a way to educate and empower our next generation.”

Contributions of nominees can include community empowerment, legislative advocacy, grassroots organizing, coalition building, authored publications, organizational leadership, private and governmental entity diversity efforts and multicultural educational initiatives in any area of human and civil rights or related areas. Please visit http://fchr.state.fl.us/outreach/florida_civil_rights_hall_of_fame to view the rules, criteria, nomination form and other relevant information.

The Florida Commission on Human Relations, established in 1969, is the state agency charged with administering the Florida Civil Rights Act and Florida Fair Housing Act. Fair treatment, equal access and mutual respect are the benchmarks of the Commission’s commitment. Through education and partnerships, the Commission works to prevent discrimination and costly litigation through teaching best business practices and fostering understanding amongst Floridians about their rights and responsibilities under both state and federal discrimination laws.

For more information, please visit http://fchr.state.fl.us or on Facebook.

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